
阿音 A Yin(中國)

2022-7-22 11:01| 發(fā)布者:zhcvl| 查看:2145| 評論:0

摘要:2016.01.16日9:52:16攝影家阿音在內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)呼倫貝爾市陳巴爾虎旗中俄邊境線-44℃的嚴(yán)寒中拍攝蒙古馬阿音,中國著名攝影藝術(shù)家。中國攝影最高獎“金像獎”、全國攝影藝術(shù)展金獎、平遙國際攝影大展最高獎、國際民俗 ...







1992 personal exhibition of "feeling for Grassland" in Ulanhot, Inner Mongolia
1994 personal exhibition of “Horqin grassland hope project” in Keyou Middle Banner, Inner Mongolia
1996 Inner Mongolia Normal University "Horqin grassland hope project" personal exhibition
2001 personal exhibition of “grassland crying” in Dongwuzhumuqinqi area, Inner Mongolia 
2004 personal exhibition of “Boke 2048” in Inner Mongolia Art Museum
2005 Inner Mongolia University "ajinai 800" personal exhibition
In 2007, the “Nomadism” series was exhibited in Los Angeles, Washington, Santa Fe and San Francisco
In 2007, he gave lectures at Stanford University, kaoclonal College of art, and Los Angeles Art Center University
In 2008 “Nomadism” series was exhibited at United Nations headquarters
From October, 2008 to March, 2009, the solo exhibition of “Nomadic Mongols in China” was exhibited at the Rubin Museum in New York, USA
2008 "Living place" Pingyao International Photography Exhibition
The theme of "Nomadic Mongols in China" was exhibited at Lianzhou International Photography Festival in 2008
In 2009, the theme of "Nomadic Mongols in China" was exhibited in Shanghai international world trade building
In 2009, the special exhibition and work seminar of "Nomadic Mongols in China" was held at the China Photographers Association.

—關(guān)于我的攝影作品《-40℃ 》蒙古馬系列
荒無人煙的茫茫雪原,千里冰封萬里飄雪。只有一匹匹一群群蒙古馬在刺骨寒風(fēng)中,或奔放或沉思,或俊逸或敦厚,或剛毅或柔情,真實而生動地溫暖著這冰天雪地,直擊你的靈魂,屹立在你的眼前......這就是草原之魂“蒙古馬”,這就是-40℃雪域高原上無拘無畏的蒙古馬,這就是我傾注六年心血拍攝完成的《-40℃ 蒙古馬》。


——About my photographic work -40 ℃ Mongolian Horse Series
By A Yin
Desolate and uninhabited vast snowfield, thousands of miles of frozen snow. Only groups of Mongolian horses in the biting cold wind, or unrestrained or meditative, or handsome or honest, or resolute or tender, truly and vividly warm the ice and snow, hit your soul directly, and stand in front of you. This is the soul of the grassland "Mongolian horse", this is the unrestrained Mongolian horse on the -40 ℃ snow covered plateau, and this is the -40 ℃ Mongolian horse that I devoted six years of effort to shooting.

I have been running nonstop on the difficult road of "photography" for more than 30 years. I have won many awards that photographers yearn for, and have a certain impact on the photography industry at home and abroad. But I haven't left the grassland, herdsmen and Mongolian horses I love so far. I stick to this land with a pure heart, paying attention to and recording my nation, my grassland and my Mongolian horses.

Once my mother blessed me: "the wind and horses are flying, and the wind and water are flowing.", My father encouraged me: "step on the horse and run away to create a great career."

I am Mongolian, and I love my Mongolian horse.

Since the primitive times when Mongolian horses were close to human beings to today's highly developed science and technology, people have used them for many hard work, such as carrying, transporting, herding, farming, riding, etc. Horses have played an irreplaceable role in the process of human development. Especially the nomadic Mongols, in thousands of years of production, life, culture, customs and so on, have formed an indissoluble bond with Mongolian horses.

In my mind, the Mongolian horse is not only an animal, but an endless "book of heaven". Some scholars say that "the significance of taming horses by nomads is no less than the invention of rockets and space shuttles today".

It is my long cherished wish to shoot Mongolian horses.

But I don't want to look for art from Mongolian horses, but to make the inherent strong and brave style of Mongolian horses exist in the image forever.

In fact, Mongolian horses are short in stature, without the long hair of yaks, the fine wool of sheep, and the thick skin of cattle. Mongolian horses only have indomitable perseverance and tireless four legs.Mongolian horses only rely on constant exercise and foraging to withstand unbearable extreme cold weather in cold winter.

However, what I want to shoot is the Mongolian horse running freely in the ice and snow wilderness and in the cold wind.

What I want to shoot is the Mongolian horse that is still full of vitality and energy in the harsh environment of minus 40 degrees.

However, with the rapid development of social economy, the use value of Mongolian horses has been greatly reduced. Raising cattle and sheep is more profitable than raising horses. Therefore, the number of herdsmen raising Mongolian horses is becoming less and less. Fortunately, horses with 100-1000 horses can also be seen on Hulunbuir grassland

So, starting from the severe winter of 2015, I plunged into the depths of the uninhabited Hulunbeir Grassland, followed the horses in the snowstorm that couldn't see the head and tail of the horses along the wilderness of the Sino Mongolian and Sino Russian borders, in order to leave the strength and majesty of the Mongolian horses.

For me,taking a picture of a horse is just a small effort, but it is not easy to express the temperament and will of Mongolian horses with a photographic work. Mongolian horses in the depths of the grassland, like wild horses, rarely touch outsiders. At first, the horses immediately disappeared into the sky as soon as they saw my car. I think it's very difficult to get close to horses and shoot horses. I drove the car and followed it patiently, one day, two days, one week, two weeks.

Mongolian horse finally understood me, accepted me and got close to me.

When the white hair wind with teeth and claws raged again and again in the cold winter of more than 40 degrees below zero, not to mention people, even in the wilderness where birds and animals are extinct, the only living creature that can be seen is the Mongolian horse. Their indomitable image of fearless wind and snow, The eyes of a wild wolf that has never been tamed, the groomed mane of the male horse, the heroism that has not been fettered, the pride that is covered with frost in the -46 ℃ cold and still eating the grass under the snow, the portrait of the male horse of the group who stands and sleeps in the sun after watching the horses all night to prevent the attack of wolves, The ferocious posture of horses yawning after eating in the endless snow, the vitality of finding satisfactory pastures for hundreds of miles through the snow all night, the heroism of standing in the windy and snowy heaven and earth, the strength of unity like an iron wall standing against the wind, and the horses marching nonstop in the snow covered world……Pieces of bleak poetic snow covered grassland and wild, uninhibited and tolerant Mongolian horse images are recorded in my image one by one.

Such a vivid, personalized and story of life is surging in my camera!

In the extremely cold weather of minus 40 ℃, facing the only living creature - Mongolian horse in the desolate wilderness, I often forget the cold with wet eyes, and feel that the cold world suddenly becomes extraordinarily warm and cute……










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